Our Services

* Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance Abuse & Addictions, Opiate Abuse
Outpatient Detox Therapy for Opioids
Alcohol Abuse, Nicotine Abuse

* Pain Management
Auto Accident & Urgent Care
Personal & Sports Injuries

* Sleep Disorders
Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Snoring, Restless Leg Syndrome, Persistant Fatigue

* Psych Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorder, Anxiety/Panic Disorder, Depression/Mood Disorder, Bipolar Disorders, Chronic Alcoholism

* Sarasota Weight Loss
Start your new way of life, your new way of thinking... The New and Improved You.
Medically Supervised Weight Loss.
Board Certification by the American Board of Obesity Medicine
*not affiliated with ABMS

Anti-Aging Medicine
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
Testosterone for Low Libido

Impotence/Sexual Dysfunction Issues

* Sarasota Hair Transplant
Specializing in recreating natural hairlines.
We Can Replace Your Hair Just As You Lost It... Naturally & Discreetly, To Help Restore Your Youthful Appearance, Self Esteem & Confidence.